Notice of a public meeting of


City of York Outbreak Management Advisory Board



Councillors Aspden (Chair), Runciman (Vice-Chair) and D Myers


Ian Floyd - Interim Head of Paid Service, CYC

Sharon Stoltz - Statutory Director of Public Health, CYC

Amanda Hatton - Corporate Director of Children, Education & Communities, CYC

Sian Balsom - Manager of Healthwatch York

Marc Bichtemann (First York) - Transport Representative

Lucy Brown - Director of Communications, York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

James Farrar (York, N Yorkshire & E Riding LEP) - Business Representative

Prof Charlie Jeffery (UoY) - Further / Higher Education

Dr Andrew Lee - Executive Director, Primary Care & Population Health

Phil Mettam - NHS Track & Trace Lead

Julia Mulligan - Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Dr Simon Padfield - Consultant in Health Protection, Public Health England

Mike Padgham - Chair, Independent Care Group

Alison Semmence - Chief Executive, York CVS

Dr Sally Tyrer - General Practitioner, N Yorkshire Local Medical Committee

Lisa Winward – Chief Constable, N Yorkshire Police



Wednesday, 21 October 2020



5.30 pm



Remote Meeting









1.          Declarations of Interest 





2.          Minutes of the Meeting held on 30 September 2020, and actions arising 


(Pages 1 - 22)



3.          Current Situation in York 


(Pages 23 - 24)



4.          Communications and Engagement - Presentation 


(Pages 25 - 46)



5.          Update from Sub-Group: Universities and Higher Education Establishments 


(Pages 47 - 50)



6.          Theme 4 in the Outbreak Control Plan: Contact Tracing in Complex Settings - Presentation 


(Pages 51 - 60)



7.          National Social Distancing Framework - Verbal Update 





8.          Risk Log 


(Pages 61 - 64)



9.          Agenda Items for the Next Meeting 





10.      Dates of Future Meetings 





11.      Any Other Business 







For more information about any of the following please contact Democratic Services at

·        Business of the meeting

·        Any special arrangements

·        Copies of reports and

·        For receiving reports in other formats